Unplugging from the Matrix: The truth about manifestation
Dec 01, 2024
If we are being honest, we would have to admit that it feels UNnatural for us to hustle YET we are trying so hard to “normalize” that hard work because we think it is the only way to get what we want.
We try to normalize it even if it feels so freaking dreadful BECAUSE the masses are doing it, therefore that must be the way the world works.
People stuck in the Matrix are teaching other people how to continue being stuck in the Matrix by hustling, working hard, and grinding.
People who have achieved a certain level of success preaching how you must be able to endure the burnouts, mental breakdowns, sleepless nights, and no socialiazing for a few years if you wanna create your dream life.
“Work hard now so you can enjoy later”
Nobody stops for a second to question the validity and efficiency of this because it comes from people we see as certain “authority”. We don’t think for ourselves. We blindly follow.
Yet, it takes only one moment of awareness to realize this does NOT work. We were never meant to live life in this way, that is why we have burnouts and breakdowns — because it is NOT natural NOR does it work.
Decades and decades of propaganda have been conditioning us to believe that we must work hard to deserve something.
We must “earn” money through hard work and exchange of time.
Our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents have been passing on that same message through generations because that’s what they’ve been conditioned to believe.
“There is no free lunch”
“You must work hard if you want to achieve your dream”
“You have to do XYZ to deserve something”
“You have to spend 8 hours of your day to EARN a living and pay for the TV that continues to brainwash you to stay in the illusion”
Consciousness (awareness) creates reality. That is why we live in a world of distractions. Nobody wants you to be aware because if you are AWARE of who you truly are, the system you’ve been taught to believe in will get completely shattered. You will get unplugged from the Matrix.
The truth is that there is nowhere to get to, nothing to do to get somewhere, nothing to exchange to receive something because nothing was ever outside of you.
In many cultures and religions, spiritual awakening or enlightenment is described as going beyond the mind. Therefore the mind is the barrier one must overcome to realize the truth.
Why is that?
Because the mind is what creates PERCEPTION. The signals that the brain perceives through the 5 senses decodes the 3D reality and creates certain perception.
Perception is just THAT. It is not REALITY.
There is never a lack. There is only a perception of lack.
Beyond the mind, there are no limitations. It’s pure infinite consciousness that creates things out of thin air, UNCONDITIONALLY.
There’s nothing you need to do to get something. This concept is so hard for people to grasp. I had a difficult time accepting this truth for the longest time because it almost felt like a betrayal.
Betrayal from the leaders of the world, the education systems, the teachers, and the rulers we have for making us believe that life is hard and it’s only through hard work we MIGHT or might NOT achieve success.
When I first realized that truth it made me feel so angry that I chose to stay in the illusion to feel a little comforted that all the efforts I was putting and all the breakdowns I endured were not in vain.
Like in the movie The Matrix when Cypher wanted to have his mind wiped and go back into the Matrix because that felt safer and more familiar even if it meant living in illusion.
My ego was also desperately trying to hold onto the world as I knew it and believe that it’s real because it was scary to accept the alternative. So I kept pushing and trying and hustling to create my dream life, desperately trying to believe that it would eventually work.
I was doing nothing else but burying my head in the sand pretending the truth that this is all a Matrix does not exist.
But the deeper part of me, the pure consciousness that I am and you are, always knew there’s a truth beyond.
So I surrendered and went down the rabbit hole to discover a whole new reality in which simply BEING creates. Period.
Ever since then, I’ve given up all hard work, and hustling, and strategies, and marketing, and I’ve been getting more engagement and opportunities than ever before by simply being in flow.
Opportunities for wealth simply show themselves to me but here’s the kicker: I had to also surrender the NEED to CONTROL how I get money flowing in my life.
I always thought it HAD to be through my coaching business so I was desperately trying to force it to be that way. When I simply let go of the need to have it MY WAY, I am presented with all sorts of opportunities I didn’t even think of (real estate, etc).
Anyway, I can only invite you to question the systems, but the choice is yours. You can continue to bury your head in the sand or you can awaken from the dream and have your desires manifest effortlessly.